The Top 5 Cyber Monitoring Tools to Keep Your Business Safe

Cyber Monitoring

The Top 5 Cyber Monitoring Tools to Keep Your Business Safe

Cyber attacks are increasing in frequency and severity, and the criminals behind them are becoming more sophisticated. Many businesses have realized the threat they face, but they don’t know how to detect the problem before it becomes too big to handle, or how to secure their data if they do get hacked. Luckily, there are dozens of free and paid tools that you can use to monitor your business’s cyber activity and detect problems before they happen. Here are our picks for the top five cyber monitoring tools that you should consider using to protect your business from outside threats.

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Cyber Monitoring

1) Wi-Fi monitoring

Keeping tabs on a business’s wireless activity is important. It’s easier than ever for hackers to hide out in free public Wi-Fi, and a hacker could potentially wreak havoc if he or she gained access to your wireless network or other electronic devices like printers, copiers, etc. But businesses have ways of fighting back—by monitoring Wi-Fi use. This way you can see who’s on your network and what they might be doing online.

2) Telephone wiretapping

With telephones and smartphones being two of our most popular ways of communicating, it’s important to know how easy it is for criminals or law enforcement officials to tap into those conversations. Fortunately, there are measures you can take to make your conversations more secure. You can check out anti-wiretapping devices that conceal your communications; or you can try using advanced encryption on your voice calls with tools like Silent Circle or Blackphone.

3) Mobile phone tracking

If you suspect your child is hiding something or someone from you, tracking their mobile phone might be a good idea. You can use certain apps to monitor your child’s phone and keep tabs on who they are talking with and where they are going. If that doesn’t do it for you, companies such as mSpy also offer in-depth computer monitoring packages that can help you get a handle on what your kid is doing online.

4) GPS tracking systems

GPS tracking systems provide real-time, accurate data about employees or vehicles—making it easy for you to track mileage and monitor productivity. Because GPS is a visual representation of data that’s collected from your business, it also makes reporting easier than ever before. You can also use GPS systems as a deterrent: by keeping tabs on where your employees are located at all times, you set clear boundaries for their behavior and keep them honest about who they are and what they’re doing during their work hours.

5) USB charger spy

For most of us, our phones have become an extension of ourselves. Whether you’re an iPhone person or a Samsung devotee, you can’t imagine life without your device. With that in mind, it’s easy to see why mobile privacy has become such a big issue. But there are ways to keep tabs on people who use your device without letting them know they’re being watched. Here are five top-rated USB charger spy tools that help you monitor your loved ones and protect yourself from hackers, data thieves and more

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Cyber Monitoring

Balancing National Security with Human Rights


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